Austin Jukebox #5 Official Tshirt (James Chance & The Contortions)

For several years, we produced a quarterly music series called Austin Jukebox #(1,2,etc) which featured one or two non-local, often times well-known bands, paired with a couple of local Austin bands that we felt deserved more attention than they might have been receiving at that point locally.
For each of those shows we printed up 100 shirts, designed by Jaime Zuverza and listing the bands playing that particular show. We gave them away for free to the bands and the people in attendance at the shows that were able to get them before they ran out.
The shirts have never been available for sale before; until now your only chance to get one was at that particular show.
In a few cases we found later that we had a few leftover T-shirts that had been misplaced or somehow left out of the stack of shirts we gave away.
These are the last of the official Austin Jukebox series T-shirts in existence, never to be reprinted, and brand new and never worn.
For some of the shows we don't have any shirts available at all, while for a few shows we have one or two shirts available.
This shirt was from Austin Jukebox #5, featuring James Chance and The Contortions as the headliner, supported by an incredible cast of musicians/bands including Cobra Verde from Cleveland, and locals Ghetto Ghouls and Daniel Francis Doyle.
Although we felt we had scored a major coupe with the previous Austin Jukebox show by having Cherubs performing live for the first time in more than 20 years, landing James Chance and The Contortions made us feel like we were almost living in a dream. I had long admired their music, which stretched back to the late 70s when they were one of the leaders of New York's No Wave scene.
Despite a line of people waiting to get into the show that stretched more than two blocks early in the night, we were able to get everyone in to see most, if not all, of their incredible headlining set. Everyone seemed to be in disbelief as the band performed an amazing and fantastically energetic set; and to see them in such a small intimate venue with a capacity of only about 200 was really special.
And, it helped form a relationship with the band that allowed the label to later release the vinyl version of their new album "The Flesh Is Weak".
The supporting bands were great as well, and it was a night I'll never forget. I know that for sure.
For those shows which we do have a shirt or two available, sizes will vary, and not every size will be available. These shirts are only available on this online store, and when they sell out they're gone for good.